I’ve been getting demands from my cousin to keep sending food pics. So I thought I might as well go ahead and make a blog about food. (this one’s for you Daniel.)
私のいとこはいつも食べ物の写真を送って欲しいので、食べ物のブログを書きます。(ダニエルへ 笑)
I’ll talk about my favourite foods, my least favourite foods, snacks, interesting foods, all of it!
English | 英語で
favourite foods
I definitely have had more favourite foods. I have made it my goal to try as many new foods as I can on exchange. I don’t worry about disliking the food but I want to expose myself to new experiences on this exchange.
Homemade foods.
My host mum is a brilliant cook and I’m so lucky to have tried homemade japanese food.
My favourite homemade meal is Gyoza. They are japanese fried dumplings. The reason I like them is because we cook them at the table and it’s fun to cook things at the table. When we have gyoza we put the filling in the wrappers and fold them. It’s eaten with my favourite sauce ‘ponzu’ which is also a plus.

Another favourite of mine is shabu-shabu. This is a hotpot dish with vegetables and tofu. Meat slices are cooked in the pot and eaten with a sauce, I have it with ponzu (are you seeing the pattern?) The vegetables are eaten as well. We also eat shabu-shabu with a bowl of rice.
Takoyaki. These are small balls made out of octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion and wheat flour (my host mum adjusted the recipe to be gluten free) we also put cheese in ours. After they are cooked they are drizzled in mayonnaise takoyaki sauce.
Okonomiyaki. The flavour is similar to takoyaki. Instead of small balls it is one large circle. You use okonomiyaki sauce instead of takoyaki sauce.
These are my favorites, I love everything that she cooks but I could live off of these foods.
Restaurant food.
As much as I love my host mum’s food. We also love to go out to restaurants.
I’ll start with the dish that surprised me the most. Sea cucumber. I thought I was going to throw up, I mean it looks gross and slimy so it should taste like that too. I gave it a try because the worst thing that could happen is that I hate it. But I actually ended up loving it!

My host family took me to a ramen shop. I thought I would try a new flavour- miso ramen. Now, whenever I go to that ramen shop, I have the miso ramen, the only negative about the ramen is that it is scorching hot. I never fail to boil my tongue eating it. But hey! It’s worth it.

This next one is possibly my number one favourite food in japan. I had it for the first time and fell in love. Fuyou fried rice. It’s a bowl of fried rice with egg and sauce over the top. It’s practically impossible to finish because it’s so filling. I highly recommend eating it because it’s so incredibly delicious.

Japan has a lot of small/ local restaurants. Those are by far my favourite places. I have been to heaps with my host family, the owners are always so warm and welcoming and the food is always so delicious.
A few of my favourites are a japanese barbeque. It was a really nice place. It seemed very authentic and the food was really good. We cooked chicken on hot coals. The owner has a cat that roams around the place and lays on the benches near the warm coals.
There are a few other places that are quite close to my host family’s house. A yakiniku place, I’ve been there multiple times and it’s always so good, the
We have a really good yakitori restaurant near our house and the owner is also so nice, my host sister calls her grandma.

my least favourite foods
There isn’t much on this list but there are a few foods that I can’t eat.
Wasabi. I do like some spice but I just find wasabi to ruin the flavour of other things. I have tried sushi with wasabi underneath the fish but the wasabi flavour was overwhelming and I couldn’t taste the sushi.
Mackerel. I don’t mind fish at all but mackerel has a very strong smell that I couldn’t really get over. I just didn’t find it as good as some of the other fish I’ve eaten.
Japan has so many new and interesting foods that I haven’t eaten before. So I’d like to share my favorite snacks.
Umeboshi sheets are my favourite snack, it is a sheet of japanese pickled plum.

Kinako mochi is rice flour balls. They are very sweet but the texture is so cool. I don’t know how to explain it exactly but it almost has the same texture as fairy floss.

White balloons. This is two white rice crackers with a chocolate filling between them.

Milky. These are small lollies about the size of a minty. They taste like sweetened milk. This is a popular flavour in japan, that i hadn’t come across.

Coffee jelly, this is 100% a favourite. Like the name suggests its coffee flavoured jelly. my dad thinks its sounds a bit rank. It sounds off putting but it tastes really nice.

interesting foods
Ok in japan they eat something called ‘natto’ which is fermented beans. It sounds gross but it tastes good. Although it is pretty difficult to eat. It’s pretty stringy and sticky. You need to twirl your chopsticks when eating, I always feel like a bit of an idiot when I eat it.

I wouldn’t call this a food so that’s why i put it in the ‘interesting category’ this is more a sauce. Ponzu. It’s so good. Its citrus flavoured soy sauce. I get really excited when i see the ponzu bottle on the diner table.

Thanks for reading! Writing this made me hungry… I think reading this might make you hungry as well. I’m writing another blog answering questions about my exchange or japan so feel free to email me at georgia.scar.27@gmail.com or contact me through instagram at jsxar_ or facebook at georgia hill! Please feel free to check out my youtube channel where I upload videos about my exchange. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd3E9mSbYnFXL6K4Z-UX_jA
Japanese | 日本語で



始めて、私が1番びっくりした食べ物はなまこ酢です。見た目はきもいけど食べたら美味しいです。私がそれを試したのは、起こり得る最悪の事態は私がそれを嫌うということでした。 しかし、私は実際にそれを好きになりました。












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