Quick Update – 短い更新:
I want to write a blog introducing my host family but due to the current COVID-19 outbreak I thought I needed to give everyone an update on my health and wellbeing, so that nobody is worried about me. I am currently in the prefecture of Japan with 118 people infected. That being said, my town has no people infected with COVID-19. I have been educating myself outside of what comes on TV (because the media loves to focus on the negatives). I am not worried about the coronavirus as my host family and I have been taking precautions to lessen our chances of catching the coronavirus. I am also not letting the situation get in the way of my exchange. I am (for the most part) housebound until April 8th. I have taken this opportunity to focus on my studies. I have learned how to read and write 30 new kanji and I am currently studying verb forms. I have tried to take this bad situation and make it a good thing. I would also like to try writing my blogs in both English and Japanese.
English 英語で
I would like to write a blog post about my first host family. The Kawaguchi’s. Their surname means ‘mouth of river’. I think this is kinda cool. Japanese names have meanings derived from the chinese characters so I like to learn the meanings of people’s names.
The Kawaguchi’s are a family of 4. Norihisa (host dad), Emi (host mum),Yuna (host sister) and Nobuyasu (host brother, he’s not living in Hokkaido so I have never met him).
We all get along well and I’m incredibly grateful to have such a welcoming host family. They dont speak much english and I’m glad they don’t because I’ve already learned heaps from them. Everyone is always happy to answer questions and they all ask me questions about Australia. They have hosted an australian exchange student before me. I found out, she lives 15 minutes away from where I live in australia. (small world right?).
Family profile
Norihisa 了久 (host dad):
Meaning: No meaning. However stroke count of his name is lucky in japan
Birthday: July 5th, 1970 (49)
Job: Apartment manager, Car Dealership owner, (in winter) snow excavator.
Interests: Cars, Motorbikes
Disinterests: Roller coasters
Personality: Hard working, friendly, jokey, doesn’t like being alone
Emi 恵美 (host mum):
Meaning: Blessing, beauty
Birthday: August 25th, 1974 (45)
Interests: traveling, arashi (japanese pop band), cats, cute things.
Disinterests: Swimming, snow peas, scary movies,
Personality: Describes herself as an idiot (her words not mine) funny person, easily scared, large reactions
Yuna 侑楠 (host sister):
Meaning: strong, large, stable
Birthday: April 5th, 2006 (13)
Interests: king & prince, arashi (japanese pop bands), disney, cute things, yellow, comedian, 48- four eight (japanese youtuber), youtube
Disinterests: mushrooms, horror movies, hates heights, roller coasters, vegemite
Personality: easily scared, always angry (words for host mum again), kind, gentle, funny, friendly, cute
Thanks for reading and keeping up with me. I’m incredibly grateful to have been welcomed into such an amazing family. Please take care!
Japanese - 日本語で
川口ファミリーは4にんです。了久 のりひさ(お父さん)恵美 えみ(お母さん)侑楠 ゆな(妹)息子 のぶやす(お兄さん、一緒に住んでません。お兄さんに会ったことがないです)。
了久 のりひさ (お父さん):
意味: 意味ではありません。しかし、了久の画数は決めました。
誕生日: 1970年7月5日 (49歳)
仕事: アパート管理とカーディーラーと冬にスノーショベルです
興味: 車とバイクです,
嫌いな物: ジェットコースター
人柄: 頑張って働く人で優しくて面白くて寂しがりやです
恵美 えみ (お母さん):
意味: 恵まれて美しくなるようにです
誕生日: 1974年8月25日(45歳)
興味: 旅行と嵐(ジャニーズ )と猫と可愛い物です
嫌いな物: 泳ぐと絹さやとホラー映画です
人柄: お母さんは「馬鹿な人」言った。面白い人でとてもびっくりします
侑楠 ゆな (妹):
意味: 楠の木のように強くなって欲しいです。
誕生日: 2006年4月5日 (13歳)
興味: king & princeと嵐とディズニーと可愛い物と黄とお笑い人と48-フォーエイトです。
嫌いな物: きのことホラー映画と高いとジェットコースターとベジマイト
人柄: びっくりしますといつも怒る(お母さん言った)優しくて面白くて可愛いです
Home Schooling Georgia style.
Wow Georgia what an amazing experience and your learning of the Japanese language is phenomenal. Love reading about your adventure xo
dang so proud of how fair your jap skills have come. stay safe and corona free. love you
Brilliant blog. Glad you are ok. Great attitude great
I love reading every word of your blog Georgie. I’m pleased you are safe and making such good use of your time. You are such a gem x
Great blog. So glad you are enjoying it all Georgia despite the COVID-19 situation. You have a lovely host family by the looks of things
All the best, Bev xx